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This is the view we have from our travel trailer here in Hyder. And, as usual, the picture just doesn't quite do it justice. We've been here nine weeks now and I'm still taken back by the scenery. Everywhere you look it's just gorgeous. Of course you have to actually take time to look up from what you're doing to notice it though. I tend to forget that sometimes. But, this week I've been more purposeful in enjoying what's around me.
We'll be finding out soon if we're destined to head to Petersburg, AK at the end of this month, or if we'll be enjoying Hyder for the rest of the construction season. The hubby is kind of hoping we can just stay here. It's always a hassle to get everything together and move to a different location, especially if that relocation means a ferry ride. Did I mention that the girls HATE ferries. Yes, well, more about that later.
If I have done my post correctly, you should be able to click on the image to get a better view. It's more impressive in it's original size :)
Earlier today the girls, the dog, and I went down to the dock to enjoy the fun one can have when the tide is out. We call it our "Tide Flat Fun." And boy did they have fun.
Can you see that mud in front of where the boat is? That "glowing" playland just waiting for little toes to run across.
This was actually the cleanest part of the trip. I was going to post a picture of the aftermath but Alexis (the oldest) requested that I not put that one in. Something about being embarrassed :). I thought that didn't hit until age 11 or 12. Oh well. But, I'm sure you can get a pretty good idea of how little of their natural skin color was showing by the end. Especially since they pretended that they were seals for a good 20 minutes.
Fun day for the girls and fun day for Mommy. We'll see how laundry day goes tomorrow :).
Remember to sign up for the "Mystery Crafty Bundle" giveaway that ends 8/25.
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